Monday, October 3, 2011

New Beginnings//

Woah... I don't even know how to begin this. I was wayyyy nervous to come out here. But like an hour into the trip I was so pumped about it. I've been here exactly a week today. Totally seems like longer! This friends that I've made, the times we've had so far- spiritually, emotionally, physically, etc etc.

Totally was our first "normal day"... It consisted of going down to the base, worship and intercession time, laundry, and then our first outreach. I was crazy tired from laundry, which seemed to take FOREVER. But then I got to outreach. It was at a women's halfway home, and I just babysat the kids for 2 hours while the mothers had class. Totally didn't expect it to be as cool as it was. I held a baby the whole time, praying for them, remembering Psalm 139. It just ended up being so much cooler then expected.

Last week was bonding week... hiking, outings, hanging out, introductions, testimonies, stretching, awesome small group times. You get the point. It was sweet.

Outreach options are Brazil, DR/Haiti, or Thailand. Sweet options, right? As of now, I'm leaning towards Thailand. I feel like God is calling me there, and I'm pumped. Still going to pray about it and such.

I'm so glad I'm here. :]


  1. tay. i know i've said this before, but this post makes me want to say it again. i am so happy & excited for you in your experience. i'm loving the fact that you are loving where you are at. what a neat experience being able to care for the children and pray for the families as you do so. God can do huge things through you in small situations like those.

    your outreach options sound so awesome. keep praying because God will lead you where He wants you.

    love you & miss you!!

  2. thanks friend! I SO appreciate the encouragement. YOU are just too cool.... I love and miss you! :]
