Friday, October 14, 2011

woah now.

This has been quiiiiite the week for me.
Ha. what am I saying? EVERY week here has been "quite the week."

We spent Monday through Wednesday at the Colorado Springs base. We had to leave at 6... so it was an early morning for all of us. And I, of course, was not that excited for it. I packed up Sunday night (not so great attitude included) and was dragging Monday through the first session. Then, BOOOOOM. God turned that WAY around. Totally, totally changed my attitude and mind about a lot of things. From now and then, I FEEEEEL different.

Praise and Worship, SO GOOD.
Small group times, EXCELLENT.
Small Bible studies, MIND BLOWING.
Speakers, challenging like WOAH.
Broke all kinds of chains, INCRED.
All around just an AWESOME time, no doubt.

I felt God's presence like I've never felt Him before.
God is good, amen? AMEN.

I'm completely blown away this week. Like I had tonight off and chose to stay home just cuz I know my limits, and I know I needed to not do anything for a night. I also have a lot of homework I need to work on, pronto. That includes reading, journaling, a creative presentation... probably something else to.

In other news, I'm excited to do laundry tomorrow. I haven't done for almost 2 weeks and I'm running SUPER low on.... necessities.


  1. Taylor!!! you need some comments on your blog, which i didn't know you had, but now you have a follower, yikes, huh???.....i love your writing, it's just like listening to you talk. I am soooooo super happy to hear how much you are enjoying your ywam experience! Super excited for you in how you are experiencing God's presence more and more, glad he is blowing your mind! Your mom and I were saying the other day we are kind of jealous(in a good way, if that's possible) of our kids, with all that they are experiencing and being taught. But we will take the overflow!!! So keep sharing!! Love you! have a wonderful day! Toni

  2. thanks toni! miss you. and glad to hear somebody is reading... I wish I could explain better all that is happening here but I'm the worst summarizer. ha God is definitely blowing my mind tho. love you!
